Kamalini Ramdas kicks off a series of podcasts on educators at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in the National University of Singapore. In this podcast learn more about her journey as a feminist geographer and educator. Why feminist? Why does using the f-word matter in Geography and beyond? Where could we go from here?
Tune in to her postcast at https://open.spotify.com/episode/1b8WSS3VHa65MJD4jHDTVD?si=ea4q5laXTFCa-0BWlWI_gA
Kamal is a former co-chair of YES! and presently Senior Lecturer at the Department of Geography in the National University of Singapore.
Note: The podcast link has been shared with permission from the Office of the Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) at the National University of Singapore. Kindly acknowledge the 'FASS Talk' Series initiative of FASS when sharing or citing the podcast.