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Firstly, welcome! We are so happy you have found YES! , and we hope that its accompanying mailing list proves a valued resource for you in your endeavours as an early career feminist geographer.


Please read below for information on membership, the purpose of the YES!mailing list is and who it is intended to serve. 

Who can become a member of  YES! ? 


We welcome expressions of interest from early-career feminist geographers and scholars—this includes those at the graduate, or postdoc level, independent scholars, and those in the early stages of their tenure as a faculty member.


We wholeheartedly welcome scholars who are passionate about feminist geography, including those whose work is not situated in geography or academia. We strive to foster an inclusive community of feminist scholarship and action, beyond strict disciplinary and regional boundaries of geographical praxis. We are particularly keen to create a safe, welcoming, and inclusive space for young and early-career scholars from the Global South. 


Kindly note that membership to the YES! group is not equivalent to membership in any professional dicipline-based association.


To join            you may leave us a message in the form below or send an email to


As a member of YES!, you will be included into a google group mailing list. We will be sharing updates about YES! Zoom meetings, blog posts, podcasts, and various calls for jobs, conferences and awards related to feminist geography.



The YES! group is about supporting one another, being inclusive of people from all walks of life, and building solidarity by making connections between groups of people. This group is about holding each other up as valued feminist geography colleagues and reminding one another that we’re not alone!


Therefore we ask everyone participating in the group to do so from a place of honouring and respecting these values, and compassionately holding others accountable to do the same.


Second, to make this group a place for a rich exchange of ideas and support, we ask that those joining us to actively participate in that exchange. That is, you are welcome (and encouraged!) to reach out to members for support, for feedback on your work, etc. But please return this favour by responding to other’s request for the same.


NOTE: This group is run entirely by volunteers (co-chairs and/or steering committee members of YES!) on varying time zones. Please expect a response within 3-5 days.


Additionally, mediation will be kept at a minimum, and provided only when necessary. However, if there are instances of discrimination or stigmatising that occur without prompt action from the mediators, please contact the co-chairs immediately.


To join YES! you may leave us a message in the following form or send an email to

Leave us a Message !

Thank you for your message !


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